Organic Eggs?

Organic……. a word that paints a mental picture of chickens and beef roaming around as nature intended; grazing, pasturing, walking and performing natural acts, acts like if you are a chicken taking dirt baths, short flights and pecking.

Is that the way it really is?

Let us begin with the cost of being organic. Small farmers struggle to get the Organic certification, not because they do not achieve the standards, actually they far exceed the low standards of the marketing term Organic, but because of the cost. Why is it expensive? Simply put, the economic cost of entry, the more expensive the fewer that can carry the label. Due to this Organic has become a LABEL for larger companies and has been turned into a marketing term.

Being located in Charlotte, North Carolina, very close to many resources from the FDA, USDA and Universities to Doctors and others involved in the Health and Wellness community we have come to understand what Organic actually means and unfortunately what it does not mean.

This is not to discount those that buy organic, we know as we have bought foods solely because of the label and we know the mental image it conveys.

Do not take our word for it……. read the following article. Please understand this is only scratching the surface. This only deals with eggs. Raising chickens, cattle and YES even vegetables that carry the Organic label does not mean you are getting the picture that you have in your minds eye. Grass fed beef, pasture raised chickens, pastured pork, as long as they have been steroid, antibiotic, gmo and hormone free and bio-diversely forage (eat what is naturally available without any herbicide or pesticide on the fields, what we call the Open Pasture Meats method is far better than the Organic label.